My Journey: Visualize your whole life through a multidimensional Timeline

See your whole life journey, from the time you were born to the present. Capture and revisit significant moments in your life, from childhood memories to major achievements, all plotted on a dynamic, interactive timeline. Explore your life's adventures geographically with an interactive map and share it with family and friends.

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My Timeline

Instantly see what you were doing at any age, date and location

Navigate your life's journey by hovering over your life's timeline and zooming into any photo or video. Search and filter for specific locations or contacts, filter by date ranges, and switch between different types of views (e.g., map view, list view, contact view and more). Add notes and tags to photos and videos for personal reference. Our advanced AI automatically creates captivating stories about your experiences by using your photos, videos, contacts, notes, and location history, highlighting special events, trips, and milestones.


See all the places you've been with a contact

Effortlessly recall every moment with your connections. Track the journey of your relationships from the beginning to the present with precise dates, locations, and events, all meticulously organized in chronological order. Toggle between age, date, location or direction of movement.
Focus on specific events, zoom into locations or however over specific experiences and use the tooltip to find out more information.
Use animation mode to see your history with a contact in sequence through time.

Focus in on the different times and experiences you’ve had at specific locations


Who's in your circle? See all your relationships in once place

Search and filter your relationships by name or different circles such as family, friends, sports, hobbies, work and acquaintances


View all your historical movements overtime from birth to present all over the world

Timeline Slider

An interactive timeline at the bottom of the screen allows you to slide through different periods and see your locations at specific times.

Hotspot Map

Markers on the map in different colors represent frequency of visits


Side panels and overlays show metrics such as the number of visits per country, time spent in different locations, and travel frequency.


See a multidimensional portrait of your identity
View and explore the many layers of your life


Access the app from different devices
